Tourism in North Brazil: Tourism Sector in Rondônia
Basilio Leandro from SETUR talks about the tourism sector in Rondônia and mentions some of the potentials of the state.
List of all articles filed under “rondonia” category.
Basilio Leandro from SETUR talks about the tourism sector in Rondônia and mentions some of the potentials of the state.
Ailton Arthur, Director of Social Imóveis, talks about the history of real estate in Porto Velho and presents his company.
Júlio Olivar Benedito, Director of DECOM, discusses the image of Rondônia in Brazil and abroad, mentioning some of the state’s characteristics.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, President of SOPH, talks about the port of Porto Velho and its specificities, and comments on the importance of exports.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, President of SOPH, explains what type of cargo is transported through the port of Porto Velho and mentions the perspectives for investment related to the export of cotton.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, President of SOPH, talks about future plans for the transportation of meat and points out the reasons why Rondônia is attractive to foreign investors.
Governor Confúcio Moura introduces the state of Rondônia and talks about its importance compared to the other states, mentioning the fact that Rondônia is one of the fastest growing states in Brazil and offers great investment opportunities.
Governor Confúcio Moura mentions some interesting investment opportunities for foreign investors and explains what are the incentives offered by the state of Rondônia.
Governor Confúcio Moura talks about investments in Rondônia and Latin America. He mentions some of the challenges faced by the state and highlights the importance of improving infrastructure and logistics.
Ivo Gheller, Managing Partner of the lamination firm Lano da Amazônia, presents the company which has been acting in the wood market since 1996.