Kenya Topics

List of all articles filed under “kenya-topics” category.

Security Industry: The Emergence of Loss Control and Inventory Management Services in East Africa

John Wanjohi and Francis Indimuli share their assessment of the security sector in Kenya and the region, and present Hipora, the leading loss control and inventory management company in East Africa. Hipora provides turnkey solutions which adopt the ultimate approach to identifying causes of losses in businesses and obtaining the necessary trail of evidence to make the necessary recommendations to curtail inventory and stock losses.

Discussing Security with Annette Kimitei of Senaca, The Fastest-Growing Security Company in East Africa

Annette Kimitei shares her assessment of the security services industry in East Africa and presents Senaca, the fastest-growing security company in the region. The company operates in Kenya and Uganda and focuses on 4 main areas: man-guarding solutions, security technology, risk management solutions and K-9 services or the dog section.

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