Kenya Financial Services

List of all articles filed under “kenya-financial-services” category.

Standard Investment Bank: The Highest Returning Fund Manager in Kenya

Nahashon Mungai discusses investment options in Kenya and gives an overview of Standard Investment Bank (SIB), one of the country’s foremost financial services firm, offering the market a single point of entry for investment banking, securities trading and investment management. He also explains what are the specificities of global multi-asset strategy fund Mansa-X.

Microfinance Sector in Kenya: Musoni, A Cashless Microfinance Institution by Stanley Munyao

Stanley Munyao shares his assessment of the microfinance sector in Kenya and presents Musoni, a cashless microfinance institution that leverages on innovative technology to provide financial services to micro-entrepreneurs and small farmers in Kenya. Musoni delivers financial services that bring financial and social impact to its clients through three core financial products in group lending, individual loans and agricultural loans.

Integrated Payment Services Limited: Instant Payments Solutions in Kenya by Agnes Gathaiya

Agnes Gathaiya presents Integrated Payments Service Limited (IPSL), a company established to provide a secure, fast and efficient money transfer system by tapping into the latest technological advances. The inter-banking money transfer service, branded PesaLink, allows customers to send money from one bank account to another bank account in real time on all banks’ retail payment channels including mobile, ATM, Internet banking, Agency, Bank branches and POS.

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