Abdullah Al-Romaih Talks Upcoming Projects for Jazeera Paints, the Leading Paint Manufacturer in Saudi Arabia

Abdullah Al-Romaih shares his assessment of the paint industry and Saudi Arabia and talks upcoming projects, products, colors and trends for 2023. With over 40 years of experience in the paint sector, Jazeera Paints has been a leading paint manufacturer in the GCC and MENA regions.

Interview with Abdullah Al-Romaih, CEO of Jazeera Paints

Abdullah Al-Rumaih, CEO of Jazeera Paints

How has Jazeera Paints been enjoying the Saudi Build 2022 Expo?

Saudi Build has always been one of the largest and best exhibitions for building materials in the region. This year, it is coming back after two years of COVID. So, we are seeing more people visiting than 2019. We believe it will continue to serve the sector very well.

What is the history of Jazeera Paints within the paint sector itself?

Jazeera Paints was established in 1979. It has been in business more than 40 years. We produce architectural paints, industrial paints, protective wood treatment and metal paints. We have 600 outlets in Saudi Arabia and we are the largest by far. We hold around 27% market share. We are producing from three main manufacturers, one in the Southern Province and the other two in Northern Riyadh. We produce more than 400 products and more than 400,000 metric tons of paints. We can truly paint all of Saudi Arabia.

What are some of your leading products or products that you are very proud of?

We are proud of all our products across each sector. In the decorative paints or architecture paints, we are proud of Jazeera Novel, which is a washable product with very low VOC, almost zero, and we are using environmentally responsible materials on it. It is very good for those customers with children in the house. It also has more than 2,400 colors and you can choose from different shades to cover many different tastes.

What makes Jazeera Paints stand out among the competition and what are your competitive advantages?

We are from Saudi Arabia, so we know Saudi Arabia’s weather and Saudi Arabian tastes. We are proud that we can serve the Saudi people and our customers in Saudi with a product that meets their tastes. Additionally, we have our own R&D where we test our products based on the Saudi Arabian environment. We also compete with the international companies. That makes us always on point and always striving to produce something new. We are always innovating. Every year, we promise our customers that we will bring them a new product and new colors as well.

What is your projection for new products, new colors, new trends for 2023?

We are coming out with our Color Trend 2023 which will be introduced at the end of November. We also have two new products that are very functional and more for the residential side that will be introduced to the market in the beginning of January.

What is your inspiration? What drives you to do what you do at Jazeera Paints every day?

In Saudi Arabia, we are proud of our youth. Our Crown Prince encourages the spirit of competition, waking up early in the morning, thinking about new things, providing for the country. You can see almost all of our team here is under the age of 33. I am very proud of them. We have a lot of innovation at Jazeera Paints and we always think about new things to introduce to our customers, not only in terms of products, but also in technology and the way of serving our customers. We want to make our customers’ experience very smooth. We want them to be able to choose paint easily without any hassle.

ABOUT JAZEERA PAINTS: Founded in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1979, Jazeera Paints is a pioneering paint manufacturer in the GCC and MENA regions, with an established reputation for manufacturing and exporting high-quality and eco-friendly paints.




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