Saudi Arabia Services

List of all articles filed under “saudi-arabia-services” category.

Leading Online Payment Solutions Provider HyperPay to Expand its Product Range in Saudi Arabia

Muhannad Ebwini shares his assessment of the payment solutions sector in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, discussing trends and latest news. He also gives an overview of HyperPay, a complete B2B FinTech end-to-end platform for banks and merchants and one of the leading online payment solutions provider in the region, and talks about the next developments planned for the coming years.

Consulting Services in Saudi Arabia: Abdulrahman Al-Dayel Gives an Overview of First Access’ Solutions

Abdulrahman Al-Dayel shares his assessment of the consulting sector in Saudi Arabia and gives an overview of First Access, a newly established consulting firm based in Riyadh offering innovative consulting solutions, such as coaching, strategic directions services, IT governance, profit and loss monitoring, Organization Performance Measurement, HR services, etc.

Discussing Property and Facility Management in Saudi Arabia with Mohamad Ali El Khayat of TOFM

Mohamad Ali El Khayat shares his assessment of the facility management sector in Saudi Arabia, and gives an overview of Takamul AlOula Facility Management. TOFM has been in the industry for many years and provides a wide range of services, including: facility management, property management, asset management, energy audits, energy management, carbon footprint management, energy reduction programs, etc.

“Saudi Arabia has very low ATM per capita” says Abana

The government is keen to ease doing business in Saudi Arabia. With establishing SAGIA and allowing for 100% ownership, the government initiated steps towards this goal. There were obstacles before, but nowadays it is very easy to open a business. Recently, when King Salman visited the United States, he welcomed an open market for the retail sectors.

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