Saudi telecom industry is a unique one

Ahmed Farroukh, CEO of Mobily talks about the telecom market in Saudi Arabia.

Ahmed Farroukh, CEO of Mobily talks about the telecom market in Saudi Arabia.

What is your overall assessment of Saudi telecom industry and what is the outlook? Do you think the profitability will be decreased?

Saudi telecom industry is again a unique one. The good side, which is always the highest side, is that we have high rates of consumers per capita. It is a consuming society and the GDP is quite high here. The amount to be spent on telecom is very attractive. After several years, profitability needs to come at certain levels. Then, unless something different is done to manage and to consider new revenues, it will be difficult for the continuity and growth of the company. Concerning Mobily, we will continue with our digital transformation and digital journey. We will be able to maintain, if not increase, the same level in our profitability and returns. Each year we will sit and review things and I am sure if this is done we will reach good levels.

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