BML Istisharat, a leading core banking software provider, secured 5 new contracts in Q1 2017
In the first quarter of 2017, BML Istisharat, a globally recognized core banking and insurance software provider based in Lebanon, secured 5 new contracts.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08
In the first quarter of 2017, BML Istisharat, a globally recognized core banking and insurance software provider based in Lebanon, secured 5 new contracts.
Nongolougo Soro dresse le bilan de l’année 2016 pour la Société Nationale de Développement Informatique et le secteur informatique en général. Il mentionne également quelques projets d’envergure menés par la SNDI et évoque ses perspectives de croissance pour 2017.
Nongolougo Soro, CEO of SNDI (Société Nationale de Développement Informatique), explains why SNDI is different from other companies in the IT and ICT fields in Ivory Coast and West Africa.
Over the past couple of years the words “data centre” have begun to permeate the general lexicon and particularly after the mass adoption of mobile devices the general public has been introduced to the terminology, and given some idea of the purpose they serve, but let us start by defining what a data centre is and how businesses and individuals are serviced by them.
The Saudi Arabian ICT market is bigger than that. From the telecom side 85% of the traffic outbound from the region is being generated out of Saudi Arabia.
William Warero gives his assessment of the data communications services sector in Kenya and presents MTech Communications, a group which was founded in Nigeria in 2001 and has now become Africa’s leading mobile content and media interactivity provider.
William Warero, Account Manager at MTech Communications, gives an overview of the group. MTech was founded in Nigeria in 2001 and has now become Africa’s leading mobile content and media interactivity provider.
Kagume Chiuri, Managing Director of Emomentum Interactive Systems, talks about the IT sector in Kenya.
Mike Macharia, CEO of Sevenseas Technologies, a leading provider of ICT solutions in Kenya, discusses the ICT sector in Kenya.
Mike Macharia, CEO of Sevenseas Technologies, a leading provider of ICT solutions in Kenya, discusses the company and the ICT market in Kenya.