Main challenges in the Saudi telecom market

Ahmed Farroukh, CEO of Mobily talks about the main challenges in the Saudi telecom market.

Ahmed Farroukh, CEO of Mobily talks about the main challenges in the Saudi telecom market.

You are relatively fresh in the company, what are the three major challenges as a CEO and perhaps for the sector in general?

Like other sectors, this sector has its own challenges and it needs some frequent corrections. Our challenges will remain in this huge amount of data usage and the lack of spectrum. So, we will keep pushing, discussing, and negotiating with our regulators on the release of more spectrum for our use. This is essential to our customer experience. I have been here for six months now, but these things will stay and we will be working on them. For me, I would love to continue the journey where we look at the three things. I can put Mobily under three parameters in random order: bring value for our shareholders, bring value for our subscribers, and value for our staff. By staff I also mean the community. We are quite aware of our social responsibility. We have a long list of what we believe as our social responsibility. We need to be part of this society as well. So these are the three pillars that I hope for achieving. 

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