Mohammed Geoffrey Explains What are the Benefits of Using Advanced Digital Platform IndorseSign

Mohammed Geoffrey, Chairman and CEO at Indorse Services in Saudi Arabia, explains what are the benefits for companies to use IndorseSign. IndorseSign is an advanced digital transactions, content and process management platform, that enables users to easily sign, seal and endorse documents.

Mohammed Geoffrey, Chairman and CEO at Indorse Services in Saudi Arabia, explains what are the benefits for companies to use IndorseSign. IndorseSign is an advanced digital transactions, content and process management platform, that enables users to easily sign, seal and endorse documents.

“IndorseSign is an advanced digital transaction management platform with content management and process management engines all packaged into one platform to offer the user a complete journey to sign and collaborate with customers, employees, suppliers, etc. This is a complete platform. We have features that our competitors do not have, such as endorsement which is something that we have added to the digital signature world which brings authorization. So, if a company wants to know if this signer is authorized to sign a certain document, how would they know that? Through the endorsement by the head of the company or the head of the department using a digital certificate in the name of the company or in the name of the department, they can be assured that this signer who signed this document is really authorized by the company or by the department to sign that document. Endorsement is assurance for recipients of documents that this document is really signed by the authorized people. Another feature we have is the authorization of a certain user on the platform. Is he authorized to sign on behalf of himself or on behalf of a company? If on behalf of a company, is he as a delegate or is he as a manager? All that information we get from the beginning and we document it digitally so there is proof of this authorization from the start. We have also added authorization in the enrollment of a user and we have added authorization in the document signing itself. Our market can be anywhere in the world, but the most important thing is that there has to be a regulation in that country that supports what we are doing so these documents will be defensible in court. If the country is doing that, then we can work in that country”, says Mohammed Geoffrey.

“We started in 2003. The Transaction Act was introduced in 2007. After that, we needed a certificate provider license to do the work which was only introduced in 2020. So, it took 13 years for a commercial certificate authority to be in place before we could start. In 2019, we went to Europe, but for Europe, even that field is still new. They used to sign even with USB tokens and cards. They did not have remote options. I also became part of the CSC (Cloud Signature Consortium) which promotes remote signing. Everything we were bringing to the market was all new and it has to happen for it to be successful and to be convincing to the customer to buy. Now, the whole story is ready for the market. We offer IndorseSign on the private cloud and public cloud, but we can offer also on premise. So, if you want it in your premise, we can install it for you. This flexibility makes the customer really happy because whatever ways he feels safe with we can do. If he wants his document on his premise, we can do it. If he wants it on his private cloud where he has administration authority of it, we can do it. If he wants to have it on the public cloud, we can also do it. The price varies, but we will do whatever he likes. The target is 100 enterprises – small, medium, or large. If I close the 100 within three years, that would be good enough for me to spread all around the world and get more investors to increase the staff that will do the marketing and sales”, he adds.


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