IndorseSign: A Digital Signature Platform for Users to Easily Sign, Seal and Endorse Documents

Mohammed Geoffrey, Chairman and CEO at Indorse Services in Saudi Arabia, explains what is the competitive advantage of advanced digital transactions, content management and process management platform IndorseSign.

Mohammed Geoffrey, Chairman and CEO at Indorse Services in Saudi Arabia, explains what is the competitive advantage of advanced digital transactions, content management and process management platform IndorseSign.

“IndorseSign is an advanced digital transaction management platform with content management and process management engines all packaged into one platform to offer the user a complete journey to sign and collaborate with customers, employees, suppliers, etc. This is a complete platform. We have features that our competitors do not have, such as endorsement which is something that we have added to the digital signature world which brings authorization. So, if a company wants to know if this signer is authorized to sign a certain document, how would they know that? Through the endorsement by the head of the company or the head of the department using a digital certificate in the name of the company or in the name of the department, they can be assured that this signer who signed this document is really authorized by the company or by the department to sign that document. Endorsement is assurance for recipients of documents that this document is really signed by the authorized people. Another feature we have is the authorization of a certain user on the platform. Is he authorized to sign on behalf of himself or on behalf of a company? If on behalf of a company, is he as a delegate or is he as a manager? All that information we get from the beginning and we document it digitally so there is proof of this authorization from the start. We have also added authorization in the enrollment of a user and we have added authorization in the document signing itself. These are the two features that we have patents on in the US and Europe”, says Mohammed Geoffrey.

“In 2014, we said that our product needs content management and process management engines. Should we build these process and content management engines ourselves or should we partner with an already successful content and processor engine? We became an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for Alfresco which is one of the leading content management companies in Europe and the US. Whatever development is done on that content management is already reflected into our software. We also have our digital transaction management that we developed on top of it. So, we have a very good combination. We are like two companies competing with the rest”, he adds.

ABOUT INDORSE SERVICES: Indorse Services is based in Saudi Arabia. The company aims at improving cybersecurity through its advanced digital transactions, content management and process management platform IndorseSign. The digital signature platform enables users to easily sign, seal and endorse documents. IndorseSign is a member of the CSC (Cloud Signature Consortium), a group of industry and academic organizations committed to building a new standard for cloud-based (remote) digital signatures that will support web and mobile applications and comply with the most demanding electronic signature regulations in the world.


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