Falcon Group: A Leading Company in Kurdistan and Iraq

Exclusive interview with Peshraw Majid Agha, Chairman of Empire World and Falcon Group.

The Chairman of Empire World and Falcon Group Peshraw Majid Agha presents one of the leading companies in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq – Falcon Group.

Falcon Group is an Iraqi-owned and operated corporation. The Group is multi-disciplined and includes Falcon Security, Falcon Construction, Falcon Transportation and Logistics, Falcon Trading (Import/ Export), Falcon Oil Services and Falcon Agriculture. As a professional multifaceted organization, the Group is specifically focused on the reconstruction of Iraq and maintenance of critical infrastructure.

The management at Falcon Group is comprised of mostly ex-pats with 15-20 years in the relevant field. Falcon Group has financial resources, technical and local area know-how, and it is cooperating with major international companies.
Although Falcon Group is a profit seeking private company, its mission of building a brighter future for the people of Iraq is always present in the company’s values and it forms the centerpiece of their strategy.

As for the investment strategy at Falcon Group, Peshraw Majid Agha says: “We earn money from Iraq and invest it back in Iraq and that shows our belief and commitment to our country, its economy and its people. We will remain fully engaged through investing in Iraq’s future and continue to cultivate value.”

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