Zagros Group: Connecting Kurdistan

Exclusive interview with Delsoz Sherwani, CEO of Zagros Group.

The CEO of Zagros Group Delsoz Sherwani explains the investment and business strategy. Zagros Group is currently a leading conglomerate of companies in the Kurdistan Region. The Group has been in construction since 2003 and then slowly entered other business activities, like IT in 2003 when Zagros Group carried out an extensive project with Alcatel Lucent – to connect the Ministry of Foreign Affaires with 40 embassies.

Later in 2005 Zagros Group entered oil and gas sector with a fully owned subsidiary Zagros Energy. Zagros Group is also a pioneer in the aviation sector. Through its subsidiary Zagros Air the company has attracted some of the largest airlines to Erbil and started flying from Dubai to Turkey. 2006 marks a touring point for air travel when Zagros Group signed an agreement with Austrian Airlines and Lufthansa, thereby connecting Erbil with Europe.

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