Doing Business with Iraqi Companies

Jorge Eduardo Baldi, Exploration Manager at Repsol shares his insights into doing business in Iraqi Kurdistan and especially dealing with Iraqi and Kurdish companies.

Jorge Eduardo Baldi, Exploration Manager at Repsol shares his insights into doing business in Iraqi Kurdistan, especially dealing with Iraqi and Kurdish companies.

He also agrees that the Empire world offers the best office space in Erbil, and as a result the most of the international oil companies are establishing their Erbil offices in this building.

According to Baldi, people in Iraqi Kurdistan are well educated and contract conditions are transparent.

On doing business with Kurdish companies Baldi explains, “It is a very sensitive question but most of the Kurdish companies have very well trained staff, local and international.”

Finally, Baldi talks about their experience in dealing with the Empire World and Falcon Group. He says, “Falcon has very good services in security, they are specialist, the Security Group is very well trained and with good expertise, they know very well the region and their knowhow make the big difference. In others business like real state and housing, in construction or in the oil and gas services industry they are growing really fast keeping the quality and safety in very high standards. I can only speak on Repsol´s experience, but we have been quite comfortable working with Falcon and with Empire. We have an excellent relationship with Mr. Peshraw Majid Agha. Personally I can settle it and as a local head of International Oil Company I can confirm the very good performance of the Falcon Group.”

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