Brazil Interviews

List of all articles filed under “brazil-interviews” category.

Accept: Provider of IT Products for the Brazilian Corporate Market

Silvio Ferraz de Campos, Director of Accept
Silvio Ferraz de Campos gives an overview of the Brazilian IT sector and presents Accept, a company with more than 20 years of experience in the IT market, mentioning its philosophy, differentials, main technological partners and some success cases. Mr. Ferraz de Campos also shares his vision for the future of Accept and the sector in the coming years.

CEC Cia. de Engenharia Civil: Civil Engineering Company in Brazil

Virgílio Augusto Ramos, Director of CEC Cia. de Engenharia Civil
Virgílio Augusto Ramos gives an overview of the civil engineering sector in Brazil and presents his company: CEC Cia. de Engenharia Civil. CEC was founded in 1987 and, up to this day, the company has projected around 180 million square feet, implementing projects for clients such as Petrobras, Hochtief, Método, Construcap, Fibra, etc.

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