Porto Velho: Mauro Nazif Introducing Rondônia’s Capital
Mauro Nazif, Mayor of Porto Velho, talks about the potential of Rondônia’s capital for investors.
List of all articles filed under “brazil-interviews” category.
Mauro Nazif, Mayor of Porto Velho, talks about the potential of Rondônia’s capital for investors.
Emerson Castro, State Secretary for Economic and Social Development, provides an overview of the main economic sectors of the state of Rondônia.
Júlio Olivar Benedito, Director of the Department of Social Communication (DECOM)
Júlio Olivar Benedito from Rondônia’s Department of Social Communication talks about the role of DECOM and discusses the national and international image of the Northern state. He also shares his vision for the future of Rondônia in the coming years.
Emerson Castro, State Secretary for Economic and Social Development (SEDES)
Emerson Castro from SEDES talks about strategic projects in Rondônia and mentions some of the state’s potentials, such as the inauguration of a new port and tourism development. He also discusses challenges to be faced and shares his vision for the future.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, from Rondônia’s Society of Ports and Waterways, explains the role of SOPH and mentions some of the characteristics of the port of Porto Velho. He also discusses investment projects and opportunities.
Pedro José Bertelli, President of Sindileite (Union of Milk and Dairy Products) gives an overview on the dairy sector in Rondônia and presents his company, Laticínios Rolim de Moura, mentioning its history, vision for the future and challenges to be faced.
Confúcio Moura, Governor of Rondônia
The Governor of Rondônia, Confúcio Moura, introduces the state and mentions its main activities and economic attractions. He also discusses investment opportunities and explains some of the challenges to be faced and his vision for the future of Rondônia.
Basilio Leandro from SETUR talks about tourism in Rondônia and the Amazon, explaining his vision and discussing some of the challenges for the future of the sector. He also talks about the impacts of the World Cup 2014 and indicates some investment opportunities.
Ailton Arthur, Director of Social Imóveis, talks about the history of real estate in Porto Velho and presents his company.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, President of SOPH, talks about the port of Porto Velho and its specificities, and comments on the importance of exports.