Kenya Sectors

List of all articles filed under “kenya-sectors” category.

Nabo Capital: Asset Management and Investment Advisory in Africa by Pius Muchiri

Pius Muchiri presents Nabo Capital, a 3rd generation investment firm with over 50 years experience of investing for institutions and individuals with an Africa-wide focus. The firm’s core business revolves around the management of traditional asset classes such as equities, money markets and fixed-income portfolios. Nabo Capital also traverses alternative asset classes such as real estate, securitizations and private instruments.

Integrated Payment Services Limited: Instant Payments Solutions in Kenya by Agnes Gathaiya

Agnes Gathaiya presents Integrated Payments Service Limited (IPSL), a company established to provide a secure, fast and efficient money transfer system by tapping into the latest technological advances. The inter-banking money transfer service, branded PesaLink, allows customers to send money from one bank account to another bank account in real time on all banks’ retail payment channels including mobile, ATM, Internet banking, Agency, Bank branches and POS.

Polygon Logistics: Logistical Solutions for Organizations and Individuals in Kenya

Ben Omolo gives an overview of the logistics sector in Kenya and presents Polygon Logistics Ltd, a company offering a comprehensive range of logistical solutions for organizations and individuals in Kenya, with a scope of extending the same globally. These include clearing, forwarding of both import and export shipments, as well as air charter flight services and airline representation.

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