Saudi Pipe Systems Co.: strategy and certifications

Mohammed Al Hammouri, Deputy GM of Saudi Pipe Systems Co. talks about strategy and certifications.

Mohammed Al Hammouri, Deputy GM of Saudi Pipe Systems Co. talks about strategy and certifications.

What makes you competitive?

We do have a lot of competition with China and India but our main target is quality. Our quality is much better than some other sources from China.

What are the innovation or quality programs that you have in order to make sure that your quality is much higher than the competition?

We care about having a lot of certifications in our company. We have the ISO certification and we have the NSF and the WRAS certifications. SPS has been approved by the Ministry of Water, Civil Defence and by the National Water Company, which is one of the biggest government companies in Saudi Arabia.

Are you currently the market leader?

We are one of the top ten companies in Saudi Arabia in our sector in the pipe, valve and fittings field. We are also leaders in fire hydrants.

What are your plans for 2016 and 2017 when it comes to technology or the diversification of your products?

We are now studying the possibility of building a new factory for a new technology that does not need a lot of labour; it is an automatic line that can work by itself so we can reduce the manpower expenses and at the same time increase the quality. It is going to happen in 2020. We hope that we will be one of the biggest leaders in the Middle East and beyond.

What are your main challenges that you face in doing business?

Cheap low quality products imported from China is one of our main challenges. As we have a lot of competition from these Chinese products, we will try to reduce our prices a little bit but our product have much higher in quality.

We are trying our best to make our factories as efficient and automatic as possible to reduce the labour costs so that we can reduce the price of our products in order to compete with the Chinese products.

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