Lebanon: The Art of Wine-making

Over the past 40 years Lebanon used to have 3-5 producers of wine. In the mid 90’s and onwards 15-20 winemakers entered the Lebanese market and the art of winemaking in Lebanon was spreading.

Over the past 40 years Lebanon used to have 3-5 producers of wine. In the mid 90’s and onwards 15-20 winemakers entered the Lebanese market and the art of winemaking in Lebanon was spreading. During the last 5 years there were new wine brands emerging and the number of winemakers in Lebanon almost doubled, reaching 30-35 producers. Lebanon is today recognized as a wine-producing country and wine-exporting country with a blooming art of winemaking.

Lebanon is more and better positioned on the global wine map and the local winemaking industry is booming and thus more competitive. Chateau Kefraya believes that this is an excellent trend as the new emerging wineries could make more noise in the world and promote the destination Lebanon as a truly wine-producing superpower.

In order to become more competitive, Lebanon has to further strenghten its recognition. To better impose Lebanon on the winemakers’ map of wine-producing and wine-exporting countries requires increasing the wine production from the existing 8 million bottles by at least 50%.

Overall, the wine industry Lebanon has become synonymous with the art of winemaking. The wine producers, including Chateau Kefraya, are eager to produce the best wines. Chateau Kefraya is always pursuing the highest possible quality when it comes to wine. Their art of winemaking is “crowned” by the “Semper Ultra” wine labels.

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