Lebanon Education Interviews

List of all articles filed under “lebanon-education-interviews” category.

Nawaya Network: Mentoring Lebanon’s At-Risk Youth

Nawaya Network is a non-profit organisation based in Lebanon. They identify promising, talented youth who come from disadvantaged, marginalised or at-risk backgrounds and who have a talent or potential in a certain area but lack the means to pursue it. Their intention is to connect these young people to various resources such as mentors, trainers, classes, funding, internships, and job opportunities to help them develop their skills and generate an income.

AUB Lebanon

The commitment to education is old and time-tested in addition to producing several generations of leaders, especially from AUB.  We are a university of distinguished tradition and a great legacy for impacting the region by creating leaders for all sectors.  Certainly, AUB isn’t the only institution in the country that is successful.

Lebanon Education: Beirut Arab University

Beirut Arab University is well established in the forty school market and most schools aren’t as old as ours.  Beirut Arab University developed our curriculum every two or three years to match the requirement of the market to enable students to enter the job market with ease as well.  Further, I think it might be time to open another campus in Beirut.  I believe Beirut Arab University is doing quite well.

Lebanon Culture: Future TV

After LBC, Future TV was established in 1992 and subordinated Future TV to the regulations issued in 1993 and these laws were very strict but clear that ownership could not be confined to one person, but a group that is composed of the greater Lebanese community.  Future TV grew very fast following the growth by LBC.  Presently Future TV is facing its most difficult times in the market and we are striving to make our screen fit the standard.

Lebanon Education: Business School in Lebanon

ESA was created in 1996 by the French and Lebanese governments to create a new model of education in the field of management and business, on the French model.  The two governments called for the Chamber of Commerce of Paris to come here to Lebanon to create and develop this new management school.  That’s the root of ESA.  It was created to be very close to the business world and companies, and has always kept this very close link to the business community.

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