Lato Milk: A Leading Brand in the Ugandan and East African Dairy Products Sector

Amit Sagar, CEO of Pearl Dairy Farms, explains what makes the company different from other dairy producers and how Lato Milk has become a leading brand in the Ugandan and East African dairy products sector.

Amit Sagar, CEO of Pearl Dairy Farms, explains what makes the company different from other dairy producers and how Lato Milk has become a leading brand in the Ugandan and East African dairy products sector.

“Dairy is a very capital intensive business and we have multiple competitive advantages. We are the only brand providing instant milk powder in the region. East Africa used to import these products before we started localized manufacturing. We are the only instant milk producer via spray dryer in the region which is a clear advantage for us. All our equipment is extremely modern and new from Tetra Pak and similar globally. We have very cost efficient production costs versus our competition. We have strong infrastructure in terms of milk collection which differentiates us from the rest because we like to have a direct relationship with farmers. We are collecting milk directly from the farmers as much as we can all the way to the consumer. We train the farmers and have loyalty to them. We run the milk through the best machines and we also do the distribution ourselves. Having our own distribution and expertise in distribution is also a clear competitive advantage. Overall, we have a very strong brand. We have market leadership in the product categories we manufacture. In Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, we are either number one or number two in every single product category from yogurt to milk powder, UHT milk or flavored milk. The brand Lato Milk is extremely strong and popular and the thesis behind the brand is to ensure that quality and taste are not compromised for consumers”, says Amit Sagar.


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