Diyar Al Muharraq – Largest Development in Bahrain

Bahrain Sector Analysis
Diyar Al Muharraq – Largest Development in Bahrain
Spread across 12 square kilometers, Diyar Al Muharraq is one of the largest mixed-use urban waterfront developments underway in Bahrain.

Diyar Al Muharraq - Largest Development in Bahrain

Diyar Al Muharraq – Largest Development in Bahrain

Spread across 12 square kilometers, Diyar Al Muharraq is one of the largest mixed-use urban waterfront developments underway in Bahrain.

Spread across 12 square kilometers, Diyar Al Muharraq is one of the largest mixed-use urban waterfront developments underway in Bahrain. Located on the northern shores of Muharraq, it will provide a cohesive mix of residential and commercial properties with housing opportunities for over 120,000 people in around 30,000 housing units.

At the heart of Diyar Al Muharraq’s vision is to create an integrated community for all strata of society, entwining elements of modern urban life with Bahrain’s rich cultural past. Its extensive amenities include around 40 kilometers of waterfront, among the most extensive publicly accessible waterfront in the Kingdom,including schools, medical centers, sports facilities, shopping malls, business districts, luxurious hotels, and modern infrastructure.

When asked what makes Diyar Al Muharraq different, Aaref Hejres, CEO of Diyar Al Muharraq, replies:

“What is different? Everything is different. We created more than 40 km of waterfront and beaches. We created the green belt and trails for people to walk in shaded areas, pedestrian and cyclist routes. You can enjoy the beach and the parks across the road from your house. I think the concept of a self-contained city is unique, a city where you live, work and enjoy your life. Everything is set up in the smallest detail.”Affordable Housing

One thing that is particularly different about Diar Al Muharraq is that this 12-square kilometer city is being created entirely on reclaimed land off the northern shores of Muharraq. In addition, say Hejres,

“There are a lot of new concepts in Diyar, like the international market where you feel as if you go through different cultures and visit different countries in the same place. We are now in talks with China to bring in the Chinese market like the Dragon Mall but in a smaller version. We will introduce anything that we consider will add value to Bahrain and its people.”Diyar Al Muharraq Masterplan

Although designed as a mixed income project, the developer of the USD 3.2 billion project is working closely with consultants to alter current design standards to help fulfill the government’s commitment to provide 50,000 units of affordable housing.




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