Bahrain Conglomerates Interviews

List of all articles filed under “bahrain-conglomerates-interviews” category.

Bahrain: An Interview with Mona Almoayyed of Leading Conglomerate Y K Almoayyed and Sons

Mona Almoayyed explains what are the competitive advantages of leading conglomerate Y K Almoayyed and Sons, and talks about the impacts of COVID on the Group. She also discusses her involvement in women’s rights, migrants’ rights, workers’ rights and environmental works in Bahrain as part of her participation in the Shura Council, and explains what makes the family business unique.

Doing Business in Bahrain: Cautious Optimism About 2013-2014 Grows

Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo, Deputy Chairman of Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo
Today, we have about 6,000 people working for us Gulf-wide and about 700 people in Bahrain. We have seen the first two months of the year as encouraging and even though in January business is normally down we have seen encouraging results. So I personally believe we are on the right track and that we will have a good year in 2013.

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