Bahrain Real-Estate Interviews

List of all articles filed under “bahrain-real-estate-and-construction-interviews” category.

Bahrain Bay Development Bahrain Waterfront Development

Bahrain Bay – Bahrain’s leading waterfront development, CEO, Bob Vincent
Bahrain Bay has been designed to be specific, in terms of its economic footprint, Bahrain Bay’s commercial scale, Bahrain Bay’s urban design, Bahrain Bay’s physical shape. All of those criteria have been driven by economic sustainability or relationships within the project that make the Bahrain Bay project development sustainable. 

Al Areen Development

Managing Director of Al Areen Holding Company, Stephen Rothel
The sold plots in Al Areen Development embrace a range of diverse uses. In Al Areen Development there is a very substantial integrated retail shopping center which will be instrumental in serving the retail needs of both Al Areen Development and neighboring communities.   

Bahrain Real Estate DTZ Bahrain

Bahrain Real Estate DTZ Bahrain, Country Manager of DTZ Bahrain, Bob Addison
Bahrain Real Estate DTZ Bahrain can give them a complete package of information across all Bahrain Real estate sectors and we also work with EDB. They provide us with the basic information packages that businesses need to establish their business no matter if they are a one man show or an international company. 

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