Bahrain Logistics Interviews

List of all articles filed under “bahrain-transportation-and-logistics-interviews” category.

Bahrain Air Airline with Affordable Fares in Bahrain

Bahrain Air Airline with Affordable Fares in Bahrain, CEO, Ibrahim Al Hamer
Bahrain Air is monitoring financial performance very closely. Bahrain Air is small and lenient and that makes us quite flexible.  So whatever changes Bahrain Air introduced to overcome the financial problem the industry is facing, it is easier for Bahrain Air.  Unlike the major airlines Bahrain Air because of their size is different and it is manageable.  Bahrain Air istrying to do is to look for opportunities outside of the gulf area; the gulf the area with the number of airlines we have now is loaded with airlines making the competition even more severe.

Gulf Air Bahrain Premier Air Carrier in Bahrain

Gulf Air Bahrain Premier Air Carrier in Bahrain, Former CEO of Gulf Air, Björn Näf

I think Gulf Air Bahrain wants to reposition as well. I must say Gulf Air Bahrain has been the innovator. It has almost been 60 years around this region, Gulf Air Bahrain has been the founding carrier for the Gulf aviation industry. I think the market is big enough for all to grow. Yes, Gulf Air Bahrain has to be careful and see what Gulf Air Bahrain can do best and we have to strengthen these elements to become a carrier of choice in aviation sector in the Middle East, and position the carrier to add value for Gulf Air Bahrain customers, so customers choose us because we do something better than the others. Competition is healthy, it is a good thing and keeps us on our toes, it makes us better and better every day.

Bahrain Port Khalifa Bin Salman Port in Bahrain

Bahrain Ports – General Organisation of Sea Ports in Bahrain (GOP), Director General, Hassan Ali Al Majed

Khalifa Bin Salman Port will be built on 150 hectare and this will double Bahrain Ports capacity from 1.1 to 2.5 million TUs. Bahrain Ports are also planning for stage three where Bahrain Ports have reserved land east of Khalifa Bin Salman Port and it is almost the same size and this will also double the through port of Khalifa Bin Salman Port by almost 5 million containers. This is a plan for the next 20-30 years.

Bahrain Duty Free Leading Duty Free in the Middle East operated by Aer Rianta International

Bahrain Duty Free Leading Duty Free in the Middle East operated by Aer Rianta International, Managing Director of Aer Rianta International (Bahrain Duty Free), John Sutcliffe
I think the growth in Bahrain Duty Free will parallel that. The airport has a major plan for expansion, and I think when that happens, when we have more space and are able to improve the offer, we will see a significant lift. But generally speaking over the long term we have steady growth and Bahrain Duty Free will remain a player. The quality is very important, and Bahrain Duty Free is an entirely different kind of offer. It may not be the biggest, it’s not small either at 100 million dollars. What you will find there is a very interesting retail offer, that has in fact won the Airport Retail of the Year Award for its design and approach to customer service.

Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP) Bahrain Investments

Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP) Bahrain Investments, Park Chief of Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP), Bader Al Saad

Bahrain International Investment Park does not like to compare ourselves with other locations like Dubai and Kuwait and other countries. Bahrain International Investment Park offers zero % tax and this is guaranteed in Bahrain International Investment Park.

Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP) Bahrain Investments, Project Director of Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP), Brian Cogan
Bahrain is a cosmopolitan location where it’s very easy to put together a business that can trade within the Gulf and internationally.

Bahrain Shipping APM Terminals Bahrain

Bahrain Shipping APM Terminals Bahrain, Managing Director of APM Terminals Bahrain, Steen Davidsen
I don’t know what the market is for shipping lines globally; every shipping line according to the papers is not going through excellent times at the moment, but for us in Bahrain shipping we’re doing quite well.  We would like to see more volume in Bahrain Shipping, and we aren’t seeing the increases that we saw in previous years in Bahrain Shipping, but we’re still better than last year.  I have not seen anything in Bahrain that indicates that things have come to a halt.  I’m not a shipping analyst.  We run the Bahrain Port, and the Khalifa bin Salman Port is busier than it was last year, and that is what I can relate to.
Bahrain Shipping APM Terminals Bahrain, Chief Commercial Officer of APM Terminals Bahrain, Iain Rawlinson
It is easy to access Bahrain.  The capacity is available and the distance to the other markets is superior to actually the other ports; 40% closer if you measure it against Jebel Ali, we’re closer to the upper Gulf.

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