Kenya Health & Pharma

List of all articles filed under “kenya-healthcare” category.

Ponea Health: Consolidating the Entire Global Health Ecosystem Into One Easy to Use Platform

Akshay Shah gives an overview of the Ponea Health concept and discusses the importance of consolidating the entire global health ecosystem into one easy to use platform. Even though Ponea was born in Kenya, the platform aims to transform the healthcare system and connect all three healthcare actors (patients, healthcare professionals and partners) in a global ecosystem.

Ashut Engineers: High Quality Furniture that Completes the Healthcare Environment in Kenya

In Kenya and East Africa, Ashut Engineers Ltd leverages cutting edge technology and innovation to produce furniture that completes the healthcare environment. With more than four decades of experience in the business, the company has gained a reputation for producing aesthetically appealing hospital furniture that meet all practical purposes.

Ponea Health: A Global 3-Sided Marketplace Connecting Patients, Healthcare Professionals and Partners

Michael Macharia explains how the Ponea Heatlh concept was born. Ponea is Africa’s first global 3-sided marketplace connecting patients, healthcare professionals and partners, made in Kenya. Ponea’s strategy is to remove all the friction involved in accessing, providing and paying for health and well-being care for people of all demographics anywhere in the world, through a transparent and easy to use platform.

Nairobi Enterprises: Leading Medical Equipment Supplier to Create a Retail Chain of Outlets Throughout Kenya

In January 2020, Nairobi Enterprises Limited will open up its 4th showroom in Eldoret, the new ‘medical city of Kenya.’ The company has a vision of creating a retail chain of outlets which can then be franchised out in its new plan for expansion. NEL has an aim of opening up one retail outlet in each of the 47 counties in Kenya to increase accessibility for its clients and make it a more efficient supply chain.

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