Vision for the Ministry of Transportation in Libya: 50 billion LYD Needed to Upgrade the Infrastructure

View an exclusive interview with Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation. The minister is discussing the investment road-map and the vision for the ministry.

Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation, talks about the vision for the ministry of transportation and the investment road-map.

Al-Ayib agrees that some projects have been stalled but sees renewed signs of optimism. Al-Ayib explains: “Some companies have already restarted their projects. Some of them are waiting to renegotiate their contract according to the new conditions. We have the ADPI, Aeroports de Paris that has started their project for the Tripoli International Airport. We also have a Canadian company called Lavalin that is going to build the new Benina International Airport in Benghazi.”

Al-Ayib estimates that to upgrade the infrastructure and the transportation sector in the country at least 50 billion Libyan dinars will have to be spent.

At the end of his tenure Al-Ayib wants to see ” the railway up and running and also the main three airports in Tripoli, Benghazi and Sabha established. I would like to see the underground project in Tripoli and Benghazi at least in the budget for 2014.”

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