Trade Industry in Ghana: Dr. Agnes Adu Presents Ghana Trade Fair Company LTD

Dr. Agnes Adu, Managing Director of Ghana Trade Fair Company LTD., talks about trade industry in Ghana and presents the institution.

Dr. Agnes Adu, Managing Director of Ghana Trade Fair Company LTD., talks about trade industry in Ghana and presents the institution.

“For West Africa, and specifically for Ghana, trade is key. This sector is what drives the economy. Trade is what drives every economy. What is new with this particular government is that industrialization is its focus. This government wants to turn Ghana from where we are now into a totally industrialized nation. One of the programs that the new administration has instituted is a program called “One District One Factory.” There are about 216 districts across Ghana. The government wants to identify a potential in each district and then build a factory or some kind of production around that potential. So, if it is cocoa, yam, tomato, agriculture or other industries, it will build a factory around that for the purposes of consuming within our country. This is so we are less dependent on foreign goods and also for exports so we increase revenue for the country, GDP, etc. No country can avoid trade. That is what Ghana Trade Fair Company LTD. is here to promote. Once we have turned this country into a fully industrialized nation, how do we then connect it to our global partners? Trade Fair does this through international trade shows, exhibitions, local trade shows, and grand sales. All these things together make the whole trade industry move along”, says Dr. Agnes Adu.

“Ghana has suffered some ups and downs in the trade industry in general. For the better part of the last ten years, the economy was on the decline. After the 2016 election, a new government came in with fresh ideas to try to energize the whole trade industry, with industrialization as its focus. But also, this government has really become a private sector driven government. So, the whole aim of the government, and even this company, is to attract foreign investors to come into the country. That energy has revived the trade industry as a whole. Now, it is on an upward swing and we see that in general it is starting to look up”, she adds.


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