Top Jewelers in Lebanon

Luxury and fine jewelry represents another high quality export article of Lebanon. Diamonds and jewelry industry in Lebanon have a long history. Old jewelry families in Lebanon had the advantage of possessing the Western know-how and at the same time being a gateway to the Gulf region.


Top Jewelers in Lebanon

Top Jewelers in Lebanon

Luxury and fine jewelry represents another high quality export article of Lebanon. Diamonds and jewelry industry in Lebanon have a long history. Old jewelry families in Lebanon had the advantage of possessing the Western know-how and at the same time being a gateway to the Gulf region.

According to the Syndicate of Lebanese Jewelers, the Lebanese jewelry sector employs 5,000 people. Like the Lebanese banking sector, jewelry industry is closed and a bit secretive.

According to the Central Administration of Statistics, the export of Pearls, precious or semi-precious stones in 2008 had a total value of 866,069 million LBP. Their actual gross quantity was 297,000 tonnes. Re-export of Pearls, precious or semi-precious stones was valued at 3, 242 million LBP.

The circle of the old Lebanese jewelers is comprised of multi-generation Lebanese families who follow the jewelry tradition for decades of years. The famous names in this case are Mouawad, Tabbah, Chatila, George Hakim, Atamian, Zoughaib, Antoine Hakim and Khoury Bros.

 Lebanese Jewelers Syndicate
 Syndicate of Expert Goldsmiths and Jewelers in Lebanon

Top Jewelers in Lebanon

 George Hakim
 Antoine Hakim
 Khoury Bros.
 Gemayel Jewellery
 Nsouli Jewelry
 Paolo Bongia
 selim mouzannar

Picture credit: Mouawad

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