Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Lebanon

Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Lebanon are omnipharama and Arwan Pharmaceuticals. View the latest list of largest pharma companies in Lebanon.

Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Lebanongalenica overviewsector

  1. Arwan Pharmaceuticals
    Arwan Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Lebanon and has one of the most advanced biotech manufacturing facilities in the MENA and Africa.

    OMNIPHARMA s.a.l. belongs to the Chaoui Group of companies which represent leading European companies specialized primarily in the areas of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and paper.

  3. Omnilab
    Omnilab belongs to the Chaoui Group of companies which represent leading European companies specialized primarily in the areas of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and paper.

  4. Pharmaline (Malia Group)

  5. BroadMed

  6. Sandoz

  7. Ultima

  8. Abbott Laboratories

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