Top Ten Largest Companies in Libya

Top Ten Largest Companies in Libya | Leading Companies in Libya presents a list of ten leading companies in Libya.


Top Ten Largest Companies in Libya | Leading Companies in Libya presents a list of ten leading companies in Libya.Top Companies in Libya

The top ten list includes among others an investment fund, an oil corporation, a telecom company, two banks and an industrial company.

The list does not provide the exact ranking from the largest to the smallest, rather it should be regarded as a general overview of the main players from different sectors of Libyan economy.

Top Ten Largest Companies in Libya

 Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) – Institution 

 Libya Africa Investment Portfolio (LAP) – Institution 

 National Oil Corporation (NOC)



 Jumhouria Bank

 The Libyan Foreign Bank (LFB)


 Man-Made River Authority (MRA)

 HB Group

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