Security risk in Iraq: Number One Problem

A long-time Iraqi security veteran, Gary Cavender, General Manager of Falcon Security talks about the most important security risk in Iraq.

Gary Cavender, General Manager of Falcon Security, talks about the most important security risk in Iraq.

The number one security risk according to Cavender is the risk of car accidents.

He says, “I alluded to earlier, the number one risk is vehicle accidents throughout Iraq. You have to think about where you are operating and where the closest hospitals are. You must take into consideration the lack of first responders.”

For the foreign oil and gas companies, Cavender advises that “they should first consider where they operate. Then they need to look at their exposure, for example are they traveling every day on the road or just once a week. They should consider not driving at night time as the roads are not well lit and some of them still have potholes etc.”

As for the future, Cavender thinks, “security within Iraq, especially within the oil and gas business, will be needed for the next 5 to 10 years. Not because Iraq is more dangerous than anywhere else but because of the nature of the business. “

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