Reroy Cables: Kate Quartey-Papafio Discusses the Bauxite Industry in Ghana

Kate Quartey-Papafio, Founder and CEO of Reroy Cables, discusses the bauxite sector and talks about the impact of the bauxite industry for the future of Ghana.

Kate Quartey-Papafio, Founder and CEO of Reroy Cables, discusses the bauxite sector and talks about the impact of the bauxite industry for the future of Ghana.

“It is quite exciting for us to realize how we can leverage on the opportunities around us, especially with the bauxite industry. We always import our raw materials from outside. Even though we have had VALCO for years, we need to actually look at what we have in terms of how we can turn our bauxite into the raw materials that we need. Here, everything is centered on the copper industry and the aluminum industry. Our company is in the cable industry as well as infrastructure, aluminum, copper, renewable frames. But there are so many areas where the aluminum industry can really enhance the market, including job creation”, says Kate Quartey-Papafio.

“The greatest thing that can happen to us, especially concerning the youth, is for them to really take this industry to the world. We need to look at the bauxite industry and how they can have an impact. When you talk to youths today, they talk about visual arts and other areas, but this industry is vast and we import so many things. How can the students and the science and technical schools benefit from this? They have to start thinking about what job creation means to them, what it means from the beginning, the grassroots level. What are the things that the metal industry can do? Most of the time, we are only talking about scrap, but now that we have the bauxite here, we are looking at how we can leverage the opportunities that we have”, she adds.


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