Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt Remains Tempting and Growing by 10%

“The pharmaceutical industry in Egypt is very big. The local pharmaceutical industry covers 97% of consumption. Only 3% is covered by imports. Our industry has got about 30-35 thousand labourers,” explains Dr. A. Borhan El-Din Ismail, Chairman and Executive Director of EIPICO (Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company).


“The pharmaceutical industry in Egypt is very big. The local pharmaceutical industry covers 97% of consumption. Only 3% is covered by imports. Our industry has got about 30-35 thousand labourers,” explains Dr. A. Borhan El-Din Ismail, Chairman and Executive Director of EIPICO (Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company).

“The capital value is about 30-40 billion Egyptian pounds. We are the first industry in the Middle East. We started the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt in 1962 and it increased to reach this percentage coverage of the local market- 97% of consumption. It’s about 36 billion Egyptian pounds of consumption in total.”


Interviews with EIPICO: EIPICO’s Dr. Borhan El-Din Ismail: “I myself raised the pharmaceutical industry in the Middle East”

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