No. 1 Pharmaceutical Company in Egypt

“In 1995, I was number one in the Middle East and because of that I have to go abroad to prove that I am number one here and there. My name in the Middle East is very well known,” explains Dr. A. Borhan El-Din Ismail, Chairman and Executive Director of EIPICO (Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company).


“In 1995, I was number one in the Middle East and because of that I have to go abroad to prove that I am number one here and there. My name in the Middle East is very well known,” explains Dr. A. Borhan El-Din Ismail, Chairman and Executive Director of EIPICO (Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company).

“As we started big we have to keep going and in order to increase consumption and to progress we should export. As I told you, we have to import a lot of things for our use. I have to cover this cost with exports. If I succeed, I think I will reach the maximum that I want because my target is different to the targets of the multinationals. The multinationals want to expand but my main reason for exporting is to get foreign currency to address my need for foreign currency. When I reach my target for the local market as achieved by exporting, I will have reached the best position I want to put my company in.”


Interviews with EIPICO: EIPICO’s Dr. Borhan El-Din Ismail: “I myself raised the pharmaceutical industry in the Middle East”

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