Leading Wine in Lebanon: Chateau Ksara’s “Sunset” Rosé

“Our range of 14 products is substantial. We are concentrating on these products and trying to develop them to the highest extent possible,” says Zafer Chaoui, Chairman and CEO of Château Ksara & Head of Union Vinicole du Liban.

“Our range of 14 products is substantial. We are concentrating on these products and trying to develop them to the highest extent possible,” says Zafer Chaoui, Chairman and CEO of Château Ksaraa key player of the wine industry in the Middle East – & Head of Union Vinicole du Liban.

“Our “Cuvée du Pape” and our “Blanc de Blancs” are exceptional in white wine and I am proud to tell you that a study made recently on the Lebanese market by a most reliable company showed that the “Sunset” Rosé of Ksara is by far the market leader in the country.”

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