Wine Producers

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

The Role of Union Vinicole du Liban

“Château Ksara is the leading producer in Lebanon and I have been a member of the Union Vinicole du Liban since it was established in the 90s. I have been very active supporting my predecessor and dear friend, the late Serge Hochar,” says Zafer Chaoui, Chairman and CEO of Château Ksara & Head of Union Vinicole du Liban.

Edouard Kosremelli Discusses Lebanese Chateau Kefraya and Its Philosophy

“When you look at our logo, you will read ‘’Château Kefraya: un terroir, une âme, un grand vin’’ (a terroir, a soul, a great wine). That is more than just a marketing tagline, it is really a strategy and it started with the conviction that Kefraya’s terroir (Kefraya being a village in West Bekaa) is really adequate to produce red wines and generally premium wines,” says Edouard Kosremelli, Directeur General Adjoint of Chateau Kefraya.

Top Wine Producers in Lebanon

Lebanese belong to the oldest wine producers in the world.
“Historically, Lebanon used to have 3 to 5 producers until the mid 90’s. From the mid 90’s onwards, there was a certain number of companies who started producing wines. In 2005-2006, there were nearly 15 to 20 wineries. In the last 3 to 5 years, there has been several newcomers, so today there are approximately 30 to 35 producers in Lebanon,” comments Gaston Hochar from Chateau Musar. Therefore, thanks to the new producers, new wine products are constantly entering the Lebanese market thereby enriching the already rich variety of Lebanese wines.

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