Latest telecom and ICT market trends in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Khaled Biyari, Group CEO of STC talks about the latest telecom and ICT market trends in Saudi Arabia and how is STC responding to them.

Dr. Khaled Biyari, Group CEO of STC talks about the latest telecom and ICT market trends in Saudi Arabia and how is STC responding to them.

What are the latest market trends in Saudi Arabia and how is STC responding to them?

Saudi Arabia in particular has a very young population; if you were to look at the demographics of the Kingdom, then you would see that the majority of the population is under the age of 18. This is clearly shaping the market trends as they relate to the telecom sector. We see a lot of interest in social media, and, because of this, there is a lot of uptake of data – to the extent that Saudi Arabia now ranks number one in the world in the use of YouTube per capita. If you look into most areas of social media, Saudis rank very high in utilization.

These trends shape the way that the telecom companies are reacting to consumers. As for the enterprise side, corporations are becoming more dependent on the internet in how they do their business. There is a lot of interest from the enterprise market not only on connectivity, but also at providing more services so they can enhance their operations.

urity– especially in Dubai– that we can bring to the Saudi market at exactly the moment these services are in demand. We strongly believe that energy management services are going to be needed going forward in Saudi Arabia and all around the region, for that matter.

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