Largest Bank in Libya – Jumhouria Bank

Jumhouria Bank is the largest and the leading bank in Libya. Jumhouria bank is the result of the merger between both Umma & Jumhouria bank.

About Jumhouria Bank


Jumhouria Bank Branch - Largest Bank in Libya


Jumhouria Bank – Head Office

Omar Al-Mukhtar Boulevard

PO Box: Tripoli – Libya 3224-685
Swift code : JAMBLYLTXXX


+218 21 4442541
+218 21 4442476




Jumhouria Profile


Jumhouria Bank is the largest and the leading bank in Libya. Jumhouria bank is the result of the merger between both Umma & Jumhouria bank.

Jumhouria bank has a total capital of 1 billion Libyan dinar and total assets for 2012 of 33 billion Libyan dinar on the balance sheet and 12 billion dinar off the balance sheet. Thus, the total assets for the bank are 44 billion Libyan dinar making effectively Jumhouria bank the largest bank in Libya by assets.

The bank grows by 15% YOY and operates the largest nationwide network of 150 branches. Jumhouria Bank is the largest employer in the banking sector with 6000 employees. Jumhouria Bank alone accounted for 38.8% of the total Libyan commercial banking assets, 42.7% of total Libyan banking deposits and 40.7% of total Libyan banking loans. 

Jumhouria Bank generated 240 million Libyan dinar for 2013 in net profit, despite 2012 being just the first year after the revolution. This makes 24% of the capital, which is an excellent result.



Ahmed Rajab is the General Manager of the Largest Bank in LibyaIn line with the plan adopted by the Central Bank of Libya to reconstruct the Libyan banking sector and also to reinforce the sector to be able to withstand banking crisis and open it up to international development; the decision No 26/2008 has been issued to put a part of Jumhouria Bank’s capital with value of one billion Libyan Dinars for general subscription by public and private companies and individuals, and empowering the Bank’s Board of Directors to establish a unit of shareholders in the bank to manage the shareholders affairs, supervise and follow-up the shares operations.

The article (57) of the amended article of association of the bank stipulates that the net profits shall be distributed at the end of each fiscal year as follows.

25% of the net profits shall be added to the reserve balance of the capital until such balance reaches the half of the paid capital.

10% of the net profits shall be added to reserve balance of the capital until such balance reaches the half of the paid capital and half of the subscribed capital.

10% of the net profits shall be distributed as first portion among the shareholders; if the profits of a year do not allow to distribute his portion, it is not permitted to request thereof from the profits of next years.

5% to be distributed among the shareholders as additional portion or to be shifted upon proposal of the board of director to the next year or is to be allocated for forming a general reserves.

The following is the structure of the ownership of Jumhouria Bank up to 31.12.2011


Number of Shares

Ratio of Participation

Central Bank of Libya



Public Companies



Private Companies



Natural Persons




Plans and Strategy

One of the top strategic priorities for the Bank is to connect the entire 150 strong nationwide branch network to fiber optics that would enable timely reporting and communication. Jumhouria Innovation

Second major objective is to upgrade the Bank’s core banking system to Oracle’s ICE Cube no.12. The adoption of the unified core banking system will enable to the withdrawals from different ATM machines throughout Libya.

Finally, the bank is bracing itself for the adoption of Islamic banking practices and services to fulfill the requirement set in the latest legislation related to the banking sector. The legislation stipulates the the ban on interest from 2015. Thus, the entire banking industry must become fully compliant with the Islamic banking principles by 2015.



Jumhouria Bank’s Services and Products
 Services of the Largest Bank in Libya

Banking Services 

The bank offers a set of banking services, among them are:

  1. Opening of current accounts, deposit & saving accounts and the acceptance of all the available funding.

  2. Opening of the documentary credits, accept foreign documents for collection to encourage the international trade operations.

  3. Issuance of the local & foreign letters of Guarantees.

  4. Foreign Transfer operations for nationals & non-residents.

  5. Issuance of the ATM cards.

  6. Offering of real estate, commercial and social loans and granting credit facilities to all categories of customers

  7. Contribution in funding the real estate & investment projects.

  8. Hiring of safe boxes.

  9. Selling & purchasing foreign currency.

  10. Providing technical & financial studies & consultancies.


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