Iraq’s Falcon Group New CSR Program to Help the Country

Since the beginning of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) hostilities against Kurdistan, which began in August 2014, Falcon Group has stepped forward to provide support and services to the Peshmerga forces.

Mr. Peshraw Dizayee, the chairman of Falcon Group and Empire World

Erbil-Iraq: 11 Jun, 2015 Since the beginning of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) hostilities against Kurdistan, which began in August 2014, Falcon Group has stepped forward to provide support and services to the Peshmerga forces.

When ISIS targeted Makhmur near Erbil, Mr. Peshraw Dizayee, the chairman of Falcon Group and Empire World, could not just watch the threat without helping out as a loyal Kurdish citizen of the country.

To this end, Mr Dizayee set up a camp near Makhmur to provide daily catering services to feed about 2800 Peshmerga who are based in the local area. The team pack and distribute the food to the frontlines.

The camp does not only feed the Peshmerga, it also provides services such as first aid boxes, tents, cold boxes, and air conditioners, all of which are provided free of charge by Falcon Group to the Peshmerga.

This campaign by Falcon Group started in August 2014 and the intention is for this to continue for as long as the Peshmerga remain in need of such services.

Falcon Group
Falcon Group helps the country with a new CSR program. Falcon group is one of the leading companies in Iraq involved in oil and gas, security, contracting and other sectors.

Falcon Group

Falcon Group is one of the leading companies in Iraq. The Group is multi-disciplined and includes Falcon Security, Falcon Construction, Falcon Transportation and Logistics, Falcon Trading (Import/ Export), Falcon Oil Services and Falcon Agriculture. As a professional multifaceted organization, the Group is specifically focused on the reconstruction of Iraq and maintenance of critical infrastructure.

Although Falcon Group is a profit seeking private company, its mission of building a brighter future for the people of Iraq is always present in the company’s values and it forms the centerpiece of their strategy.

Falcon Group
Falcon Group helps the country with a new CSR program with first aid boxes.

The Empire World

Empire World is one of the largest real-estate projects in Iraq. By the end of the project, Empire World will have built 88 Towers and 300 luxury villas over a 750,000m2 area.

The company was founded in 2007 and is planning to finish their extensive project by 2017. Altogether, the company has invested in excess of $2.3 billion USD. Empire World is one of the largest real-estate projects in Iraq.

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