Investing in Iraq: “Stock Market is the Easiest Way to Invest in Iraq”

Kurdistan Videos
Investing in Iraq: “Stock Market is the Easiest Way to Invest in Iraq”
Exclusive interview with the Chairman of Rabee Securities Shwan Ibrahim Taha.

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Kurdistan Videos

Investing in Iraq: “Stock Market is the Easiest Way to Invest in Iraq”

Exclusive interview with the Chairman of Rabee Securities Shwan Ibrahim Taha. According to Mr. Taha, the easiest way to invest in Iraq is to “open an account with Rabee Securities and buy stocks at Iraq Stock Exchange.” Currently about 80% of the market cap of the stock market are banks.

However when it comes to investment banking, there is a high risk of corruption and bureaucracy. “It is difficult to invest in Iraq, if it wasn’t difficult you wouldn’t be talking to Rabee Securities, an Iraqi firm; you’d be talking to the Morgan Stanley or the Goldman Sachs. Iraq is a very difficult country to operate in, it`s still a war-torn country, the financial knowledge in Iraq is zero; no one paid attention to finance,” adds Taha.

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