Fahrenheit Brands in Nigeria’s Hospitality Industry

“Maison Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit Loft are very strong brands in the hospitality industry. If you want your pure lifestyle hotel, that would be Maison Fahrenheit. If you want your business traveller hotel that is discrete and quiet, that would be Fahrenheit Loft,” says Kemdy McErnest, Public Relations/Booking Agent at The McErnest Company.

“Maison Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit Loft are very strong brands in the hospitality industry. If you want your pure lifestyle hotel, that would be Maison Fahrenheit. If you want your business traveller hotel that is discrete and quiet, that would be Fahrenheit Loft,” says Kemdy McErnest, Public Relations/Booking Agent at The McErnest Company.

“The ambience is pretty much the same for both hotels but then again Fahrenheit Loft is a lot quieter. In Maison, the tempo is a lot more up there because the Rue 80 rooftop is where all of the action is.”

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