Delta Paper Mill Ltd: Leading Tissue Products Manufacturer Discusses Market Trends in Ghana

Dany Skaf, Operations Manager at Delta Paper Mill Ltd and Alpha Industries Ltd, shares his assessment of the tissues and hygiene products sector in Ghana and discusses latest trends.

Dany Skaf, Operations Manager at Delta Paper Mill Ltd and Alpha Industries Ltd, shares his assessment of the tissues and hygiene products sector in Ghana and discusses latest trends.

“The tissues and hygiene products market has experienced significant growth, especially post-COVID. Tissue consumption in Ghana is among the highest in West Africa but one of the lowest globally. The heightened awareness of hygiene due to COVID has resulted in increased tissue usage among Ghanaians, contributing to the sector’s growth. Our competitors consist of both local producers and importers. With the evolving Ghanaian industry, we have witnessed an influx of new tissue producers. Simultaneously, there is a significant reliance on imported products. As a Ghanaian company, we benefit from reduced taxes, paying less on raw materials when imported as opposed to finished goods. This provides us with a cost advantage. Furthermore, the overall cost of production in Ghana is lower than that of our neighbors and other countries. Factors such as affordable electricity and superior workmanship contribute to this favorable scenario. Producing in Ghana comes with numerous benefits, considering the consistently improving industrial environment. A few years ago, there were limitations on electricity access, but presently, we rarely face shortages in our base in Tema”, says Dany Skaf.

“Due to my French background, I frequently travel, primarily to France. During these trips, we utilize tissues outside of Ghana, bringing samples back with us. Initially, replicating the same quality in Ghana was challenging as maintaining high quality increases costs. However, there is a growing demand for quality among Ghanaians. Today, they specifically seek quality, and that is precisely what we deliver. Flora exclusively produces high-quality products, and this focus on quality has led to a high demand for Flora in Ghana. Over the past three years, particularly in 2022 and 2023, despite challenging market conditions, we have successfully gained a significant share. Our proactive marketing efforts have played a crucial role in maintaining our leadership position in the tissue market. To clarify, we are the leading brand in most tissue product categories in Ghana”, he adds.


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