Coca-Cola’s commitment to Egypt and its community

“Our biggest project here in Egypt is our partnership with the Egyptian Food Bank and our pledge to develop the hundred poorest villages in Egypt. We also have a project that is focused on improving the lives of 4,000 women and their families in these villages which provides microbusinesses to women in rural areas,” explains Omar Mandour, GM of Coca-Cola Egypt, Yemen, Libya and South Sudan.


“We are very committed to Egypt. During the time when the country and its people, were facing difficulties and political struggles to get to where we are right now, we as a company did not stop operating or investing,” says Omar Mandour, General Manager of Coca-Cola Egypt, Yemen, Libya and South Sudan.

“Our support for the Egyptian economy goes beyond just investing in our business. We have a strong belief that we play an important role not only in the economy but also with regards to the community. This is part of the Coca-Cola fabric. If you look at our businesses worldwide, you will find various community programs where we are operating.”

“Our biggest project here in Egypt is our partnership with the Egyptian Food Bank and our pledge to develop the hundred poorest villages in Egypt. This project will take us all the way into 2020. Every year since 2010 we have been working closely with the Food Bank to develop 10 villages a year.”

“We also have a project that is focused on improving the lives of 4,000 women and their families in these villages which provides microbusinesses to women in rural areas.”


Interview with Coca-Cola Egypt: Leading beverage company in Egypt and its commitment to the country

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