Investment Opportunities in Egypt According to AmCham Egypt

“There are so many investment opportunities in many sectors in Egypt – Agro industry, ICT, real estate, energy and many others. Personally, I think the one that is going to take the limelight is energy,” argues Hisham Fahmy, CEO of American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt.


“There are so many investment opportunities in many sectors in Egypt – Agro industry, ICT, real estate, energy and many others. Personally, I think the one that is going to take the limelight is energy,” argues Hisham Fahmy, CEO of American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt.

“Energy is very important and Egypt needs a lot of energy and there is a lot of appetite for investment in renewable energy, solar and wind. The Egyptian government has just approved a feed-in tariff setting guaranteed rates at which alternative energy producers can sell the electricity they generate to the grid. This move is seen as an incentive for solar and wind producers and that will attract a lot of investments. That is in addition to traditional sources of energy including nuclear and fossil fuel.”


Interviews with AmCham Egypt: The current business atmosphere in Egypt is that of hope and optimism, says AmCham
and: Promoting the investments in Egypt: AmCham Egypt

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