Kurdistan: Many Sectors Attract Foreign Companies
The neighbouring countries do invest because of the proximity to Kurdistan – especially Turkey – and because of the good trading policy with surrounding countries.
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The neighbouring countries do invest because of the proximity to Kurdistan – especially Turkey – and because of the good trading policy with surrounding countries.
Zozik Group started with construction in cooperation with big international companies, especially in the area that was under the supervision of the U.N.
We should show investors the capability and potential of Kurdistan. The investment law in Kurdistan is one of the most attractive in the world.
Many investors come to Iraq and ask what they shall invest in while a better question would be what they should not invest in because Iraq is a vast land of investment opportunities. It nevertheless remains difficult to invest in Iraq as it is a very difficult place to operate in; a war-torn country where the financial knowledge equals almost to zero.
Mark DeWeaver, Principal at Quantrarian Capital Management
Iraq is set to experience rapid economic growth due to several factors including enormous untapped, low-cost oil reserves, recovery from a civil war, a transition from a state-controlled economy to a market economy, and excess demand for almost everything. Whether compared to Russia in the early 90’s or to the story of the Chinese economy, Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, is a powerful emerging market. Mr. DeWeaver views the case of Iraq as one in which the potential reward by far exceeds the risks.
80% of the real estate investments in the Kurdistan Region are local. The prices of real estate are high as there is neither functioning mortgage system, nor an insurance to cover that. Atconz believes the real estate business in Kurdistan needs another 10 years to settle down at a sustainable level. Atconz is leading the real estate market in the Kurdistan Region in terms of quality.
Bustam Al-Janabi, Managing Director (CEO) of Kurdistan International Bank
Kurdistan International Bank provides comprenehsive banking services since 2005. It is an investment-oriented institution based on Islamic banking. Kurdistan International Bank has doubled its profits when compared to last year and the same is expected to happen in 2013, says Mr. Al-Janabi.
November 2012 was the first time Arab Idol – the leading entertainment show in the Arab world – came to the Kurdistan region of Iraq to cover the country and find new pop-stars. What were the first experiences of the team and why is Arab Idol certainly coming back to Kurdistan next year?
Cash is today the safest method both in Iraq and Kurdistan. North Bank therefore is trying to gain the trust of all people – individuals and businesses – through various services including internationally-used credit cards or car loans. Another issue to resolve is the lack of skilled and experienced staff in the whole of Iraq – a result of the 23 years embargo in Iraq.
Cash is today the safest method both in Iraq and Kurdistan. North Bank is therefore trying to gain the trust of all people – individuals and businesses – through various services including internationally-used credit cards or car loans. Another issue to resolve is the lack of skilled and experienced staff in the whole of Iraq – a result of the 23 years embargo in Iraq.