Kurdistan Oil and Gas Interviews

List of all articles filed under “kurdistan-oil-and-gas-interviews” category.

Falcon Oil & Gas: Becoming the Leader in Rental Equipment and Warehousing in Iraq

Falcon Oil and Gas (Falcon Group) began its operations in early 2013. The company provides specialized rental equipment and warehousing facilities to the major oil and gas companies and also service companies that are working in Iraqi Kurdistan. Falcon Oil and Gas aims to attract more international companies to the region through various joint ventures.

Qaiwan Group: Growth of Oil and Gas Sector in Kurdistan to Overpass the Predictions

Saad Hassan claims any estimates for the growth of oil and gas sector in Kurdistan are going to be surpassed; the growth will be immense. Qaiwan Group is a regional company present in different countries, employing more than 2,000 people. Mr. Hassan’s dream for the company is to get it listed among at least the 100 largest companies in the world in ten years’ time.

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