Top Transport and Logistics Companies in Uganda has listed the top transport and logistics companies in Uganda. This non-exhaustive list is composed of key players in the country, ranked in alphabetical order.
List of all articles filed under “uganda-sectors” category. has listed the top transport and logistics companies in Uganda. This non-exhaustive list is composed of key players in the country, ranked in alphabetical order. has ranked the top agribusiness companies in Uganda. The list is composed of key players from sectors such as: coffee, tea, fruits and vegetables. has listed the top conglomerates in Uganda. The list is composed of the key players in the country, ranked in alphabetical order. has ranked the top real estate developers and property management companies in Uganda. The list is composed of key players from sectors such as: real estate and land development, property management and real estate investment consultancy services.
Discover who are the key players in the banking and finance sector in Uganda. has ranked the top banks in the country. The list is composed of largest banks in Uganda. has ranked the top consumer goods companies in Uganda. The list is composed of key players from sectors such as: drinks and beverages, sugar, tobacco, edible oil and hygiene products. has ranked the top mining and petroleum companies in Uganda. The list is composed of key players from the oil and gas, as well as the iron and steel sectors. has ranked the top telecommunications and technology services companies in Uganda.
Ismael Isabirye, Managing Director at Musita Investments Ltd, explains how the company stands out from the competition and why customers should come to them when they require a one stop logistics activities center.
Ismael Isabirye, Managing Director at Musita Investments Ltd, discusses partnership opportunities and shares his vision for Musita to become the leading logistics services provider in Uganda and the region.