Zimbabwe Fashion Industry: Sevious Mushosho Unveils Insights into Edgars Stores Limited

Sevious Mushosho, Group CEO of Edgars Stores Limited, unveils insights into Edgars, the leading fashion retailer in Zimbabwe specialized in offering high quality clothing and merchandise.

Sevious Mushosho, Group CEO of Edgars Stores Limited, unveils insights into Edgars, the leading fashion retailer in Zimbabwe specialized in offering high quality clothing and merchandise.

“Edgars Stores Limited was established in 1946 and initially operated as a local entity before expanding its presence across Africa. It has held the position of the leading fashion retailer in Zimbabwe for many years. Formerly owned by Edcon, South Africa, Edgars became part of our portfolio in 2019 when we, Sub Sahara Capital Group based in Mauritius, acquired it. Sub Sahara Capital Group manages a diverse portfolio in Zimbabwe comprising 22 businesses spanning various sectors such as mining, retail, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and, notably, retail through Edgars. Edgars stands as one of our major enterprises within the fashion industry. The acquisition in 2019 marked our inaugural foray into the fashion sector. Since then, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s dynamics. Now, I am confident in our ability to propel the business forward, leveraging our competitive advantages”, says Sevious Mushosho.

“At Edgars, we differentiate ourselves by offering exclusive and fashionable merchandise unavailable elsewhere in the country. Additionally, we extend credit terms ranging from six to nine months, facilitating affordability for our medium-income customers. Our clientele includes top-tier customers who appreciate high-quality offerings, particularly through our Charter Club, catering to those willing to invest in garments ranging from $500 to $1,000. Interestingly, we find ourselves in a market segment with minimal competition, consistently earning the top brand accolade in Zimbabwe, with Jet as our second offering targeting medium to low-income customers. We are effectively dominating the fashion industry in this country”, he adds.


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