Zimbabwe Capital Markets & Investments

List of all articles filed under “zimbabwe-capital-markets-investments” category.

Investing in Zimbabwe: How Vhusi Phiri of Diaspora Kapita and Tsigiro Usekelo Manages Challenges in Investing in Zimbabwe

In this insightful interview, we delve into the visionary journey of Vhusi Phiri, the CEO of Diaspora Kapita and a Co-Founder of Tsigiro Usekelo. The inception of Diaspora Kapita marked the beginning of a groundbreaking endeavor in investing in Zimbabwe. With a core team originating from both South Africa and Zimbabwe, the company’s mission revolved around harnessing modest savings for investments in Zimbabwe, propelled by a deep understanding of the country’s challenges. From these roots, a robust organization emerged, encompassing a diverse portfolio of ventures across various sectors. 

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