VRA Renewable Projects in Ghana Require Private Partnership

“The renewables is a great area for us now and we would really like to do it through a private partnership arrangement. So far, those that we have in the pipeline, we have been lucky enough to have funding for from KFW which is the funding arm of the German government.”

“The renewables is a great area for us now and we would really like to do it through a private partnership arrangement. So far, those that we have in the pipeline, we have been lucky enough to have funding for from KFW which is the funding arm of the German government.”

“Moving beyond that, we want to associate with private entities to develop the other renewable projects that we have in our portfolio. The government’s policy is to have at least 10% of our power generation sourced from renewables. Today it is only roughly about 1%. So there is some space to move into. That is why I said I want to capture 70% of that space and leave the 30% to the private sector. I want to do it through a business model that does involve the private sector as well. We have a number of solar candidate projects totalling well over 100 megawatts that we can offer to private entities to collaborate on with us to develop. We will agree on the framework for the collaboration and the business model that we will use,” explains Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa, Chief Executive of Volta River Authority (VRA).

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